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Fanny Price, Basic Character Information

Basic Information:

Given Name: Fanny Price, though it is very possible that she was actually christened Frances Price

Age: 10 years old when introduced, 15 when Mr. Norris dies and Sir Thomas goes to Antigua and 18 when the Crawfords come to visit their sister at the Parsonage.

Primary Residence: Mansfield Park

Spouse: Edmund Bertram (at the end of the novel)
Parents: Frances (Fanny) Price and Mr. Price
Siblings: William, Susan, Tom, Charles, Betsy
Aunts and Uncles: Sir Thomas Bertram and Lady (Maria) Bertram and Mr. and Mrs. Norris.
The four young Bertrams: Tom, Edmund, Maria and Julia; all of whom are older than Fanny

Physical Characteristics:As a child, Fanny is described as being small, not a striking beauty with an awkward but not vulgar air and a sweet voice.

As an adult, Fanny is very pretty with a good figure and countenance but tires quickly from all exercise except horseback riding.

Personality Characteristics: Fanny is a quiet and conscientious character, frequently timid, willing to let herself be walked over by her more vibrant and forceful relatives and not accustomed to giving her own opinion. She is also intelligent and insightful and lives by a strict moral code that has made many Austen fans and reviewers consider her to be prudish.

What to call her:

  • Fanny – Fanny is Fanny to her family members, she does not appear to have many close acquaintances beyond the inhabitants of Mansfield Park.
  • Miss Price – Everyone who is not family, even the Crawfords who appear to be her closest non-familial acquaintances during the course of the novel, call her Miss Price for most of their acquaintance.
  • Mrs. Edmund Bertram/Mrs. Bertram – After Fanny’s marriage to Edmund, she will primarily be Mrs. Edmund Bertram although her close family and friends might still call her Fanny. She will be Mrs. Bertram when Tom (and his wife if he ever marries) are away and after Sir Thomas dies. She will not be Lady Bertram unless her cousin/brother-in-law Tom dies without any legitimate sons allowing her husband to inherit.




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